Well, another year is almost done and dusted! Folks will be planning their Christmas holiday getaways and the assembly of family to celebrate the festive season. Whatever your plans, the Committee wishes each one of you all the very best for the festive season and good golfing in 2023.
We are certainly in a wet patch of weather at present. Rainfall records falling by the number. Rainfall totals for August, September and October, according to my records, was: 129.5mm, 65.5mm and 171.5mm respectively. For November so far, 148.5mm. Plenty of casual water in areas of the rough due to this week’s rains but overall the course is holding very well.
Volunteers of the Month. August, Bill Brown; September, Greens Corers; October, All the members who assisted with the Club Fundraiser – folding political pamphlets; November, Kris and Peter Kelly and the Gala Day Helpers. BZ to all and thanks for the continued support to the club.
VCAT Matter Involving the Club. Members are advised that the VCAT matter involving the club was due to go before VCAT on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. However, the allocated VCAT Member contracted COVID so the hearing is postponed to sometime in 2023.
Memberships. The Committee decided recently to establish a trial membership category within the seven day memberships. Termed “Intermediate Membership”, it is designed to attract and retain the younger folk who may not potentially consider joining the club or would perhaps leave the club once junior membership fees rise to adult prices. This incentive is targeted at those aged 18-23 years, and the trial period will run from 1st November 2022 to 31st March 2023.
Nice to see Doug Hill back on his feet. Apparently you shouldn’t get in front of him when he’s driving! Good on ya Dougie!
Welcome to All New Members. A very special welcome to all new members who have joined our club over the past 12 months. You are all very welcome and we hope you will remain with us for some years to come.
Defibrillator Relocated Outside. All members should be aware that the club’s defibrillator is now located outside the club house adjacent the committee office. Please get on line and check out the user procedures just in case you need to use it.
Care of the Locker Room. Just a note to request those members who use the locker room to assist in the cleaning of the space. If you happen to drop a bucket load of sand or other stuff, please don’t hesitate to grab a broom and scoop from near the shower area and clean any mess up. Also, if you have excess equipment within the space that is no longer used, please consider its removal to home or alternatively to a nearby dump master. Thank you. By the way, a big thank you to Gonzo (Steve Wilkins) for his efforts in cleaning this area along with the patio and seating, etc.
3rd of December Presentation | Christmas Dinner Function. This date is not far away and not many have placed their names on the sheet inside the club. All members welcome, please come along and celebrate the coming Christmas and the Championship Winners for 2022.
You may also indicate your attendance by following this event link from our Facebook page and simply click ‘GOING’ https://www.facebook.com/events/498246192338311.
Member Behaviour. Recently there have been some occasions where ‘member behaviour’ both on the course and within the club house has not been up to Committee expectations. While we are quite rightly a very friendly golf club encouraging the highest level of camaraderie amongst the membership, individuals may need to examine their behaviour including the consumption of alcohol, to ensure there is no adverse impact on those around them and no embarrassment caused. Committee requests everyone’s compliance please.
Good golfing!!!!!
Steve Wright
President CGC
Recent Course Improvements. Over the past 24 months or so several projects have been undertaken to try and maintain the course at its optimal level 12 months of the year. Drainage, new turf, irrigation and winter Tee’s have helped keep the course playable throughout the various seasons. The renovation of the men’s 6th white tee and the men’s and ladies’ 16th Tees has also added to the continual improvement of our course.
Proposed New Works. Extensive drainage works and Tee renovations have been earmarked for the men’s and ladies’ 1st and 10th Tees and the top end of the 1st and 10th fairway. A cart path will also be established down the right-hand side of the men’s and ladies’ tees to the yellow and green tees. Along with the drainage works, this should eliminate necessity to walk behind the shedding on the way to the winter tees. All tees will be raised and shaped creating a smart outlook around this precinct. With all works, there will be some short-term inconvenience to members and green fee players for a week or 2.
Going Forward. Over the next 12 months and beyond, further problem areas will be identified and a program will be put in place to rectify such areas, whether it is more drainage, new turf or irrigation where possible. As well as improving problem areas of the golf course discussions are always taking place (with input from members) to improve individual aspects of OUR course. All members ideas are considered, noted and appreciated so please do not stop bringing any idea to the table.
Dave Hilet
Captain CGC
Cerberus lady members have been very busy over the past few weeks representing our club at many Challenge Bowls throughout the Peninsula as well as hosting our own Challenge Bowl. Although we have not had a win in at any of these events so far, we have not been too far from the winning scores, so we will just have to keep trying.
We held our first Oaks day high tea on the 3rd November since 2019. The numbers in attendance were much smaller than 2019 but a great day was still had by all those who came and supported us. We had a large group from Crib Point Community house and they all expressed an interest in coming back next year. These days can only be carried out with the support of our club members and I am very grateful to all the people that supported me this year. I would like to make special mention of Sally Kissick, Pam Brown, Vicki Khule, Marg Wright, Margot Smith and Jacqui Thompson. These ladies worked incredibly hard to make the day a success. I believe that with perseverance, we will be able to build on the number from Pre-COVID. We are also thankful to Kris Kelly for the great profile she presents on Facebook as this will go a long way to boosting our numbers.
We have held a few clinics this year,” Get into Golf” and more recently “1Club”. The women who attended the clinics have been very positive with their feedback and we have gained new members as a result. We have already had inquiries for more clinics and hopefully we will be able to run another in the early part of 2023.
The Christmas / Club Champion Dinner is now open for bookings. The cost is $25- per head with a smorgasbord style meal. We are asking for your support for this night as it is the only social event we have put on since last Christmas. Unfortunately, if we don’t have at least 30 names down to attend by 27th November we will not be able to proceed with the evening.
Club Championships are a very important part of our club calendar and should be celebrated, so please get on board and support our Champions.
You may indicate your attendance by following this event link from our Facebook page and simply click ‘GOING’ https://www.facebook.com/events/498246192338311.
Ladies will hold their annual Christmas luncheon on 13th December and then our Tuesday playing women members commence with what we class as summer golf from 20th December until 20th January 2023. During this time they will be able to compete in either a 9 or 18 hole competition with prizes awarded on 20th January 2023.
The Ladies Sub-committee wishes all Cerberus Golf Club members a safe and happy Christmas and good golfing in 2023
Vicki Rynaard
Lady President CGC
With Christmas just around the corner, there are plenty of specials in the Golf Shop on offer.
Believe it or not, the sun will come out eventually. Be sun smart and grab a wide brim Titleist bucket hat or visor. We also have sun sleeves and long sleeve polo’s in stock. New IZOD and SHARK fashion polo’s have also just arrived. NEW Infinite Wilson Putters have landed and are GUARANTEED to improve your game. For that last minute present, gift vouchers for any amount can be purchased.
Wilson Duo Optix+ 1 dozen $33, 2 dozen $59 or 3 dozen $81
Taylormade TP 5 YELLOW $65 dozen
Titleist Tru Feel $36 dozen
Ladies and Men’s Shorts SPORTE LEISURE, from $59
Long Sleeve Cerberus Logo Polo’s SPORTE LEISURE $49
Take 15% off any pair in stock
Danny Shine
Club Manager CGCG
Copyright (C) 2021 Cerberus Golf Club. All rights reserved.