Local Rules in Using MiScore App
- The use of the MiScore App is NOT compulsory.
- The MiScore App will work regardless whether your marker uses the App or not.
- Cerberus Golf Club will now implement Self-Scoring, whether via the MiScorre App or printed scorecard.
- This is consistent with the practice of over 98% of clubs using the OneGolf system subscribed to MiScore.
- Under this method, a player will record and submit their own scores, and record the score for their playing partner for reference.
- Our OneGolf System is able to identify members that have registered through the MiScore App — regardless whether or not you use the App for scoring.
- Cerberus Golf Club will only print scorecards during competitions for those who are not registered MiScore users.
- Should the playing partner be using a paper scorecard, they will self-score as we normally did during the COVID pandemic.
- As with current practice, you and your marker need to discuss and agree on your score before you sign and submit your score either digitally through the App or by scanning your paper scorecard to OneGolf.
- The MiScore App Self Scoring system conducts a hole by hole comparison method between the score recorded by the player and the score recorded by the marker for the player. This process is detailed in the next section below.
- Whether using MiScore App or paper scorecard, Cerberus Golf Club requires two signatures — the marker’s signature and the player’s signature to submit a player’s scorecard.
- The Match Committee reserves the right to amend and implement policies regarding the use of the MiScore App in club competitions/major events.
MiScore App Self-Scoring Process
At the commencement of a round:
- The player will still select their playing partner as normal and score hole by hole.
At the conclusion of the round:
- After swiping from the final hole, the MiScore App will perform a hole by hole score check against the scores recorded by your playing partner.
- If your playing partner has not completed score entries for all holes, a waiting screen will display for you.
- This screen will continue to check that all scores are entered while the waiting screen is displayed.
- Once all scores are retrieved from your playing partner, the App will progress to score comparison.
- In case there is a mis-match of scores, the MiScore app will identify which holes require review.
- Select the hole number button and the MiScore app will revert to the score entry screen for that hole.
- Verify the score with your partner and correct the scores until they match up.
- Swipe back to perform another score check until you can access the score submission screen for both players to sign off as normal.
- If another mis-match is shown then repeat the mis-match process until you can access the score submission screen.
- Once finalised, the player’s own score will then be submitted.
Demonstration of score comparison:
If you are using the MiScore App but your marker is NOT using the App
You can use the App to record your scores and your playing partner’s scores for reference as their marker.
At the commencement of a round:
- The player will still select their playing partner as normal and score hole by hole.
- The playing partner retrieves their paper scorecard from the Golf Shop.
At the conclusion of the round:
- As with current practice, you and your playing partner need to discuss and agree on both your score and their score before you digitally sign and submit your score to OneGolf.
- Do NOT submit your score without first verifying your playing partner’s score, otherwise, you may risk losing reference to the score you recorded for your playing partner.
- Your score submitted via MiScore App to OneGolf will be the official score.
- Your playing partner’s signed paper scorecard will need to be scanned in the computer inside the clubhouse.
Self-Scoring is officially approved by the R&A and delivers:
- Increased scoring integrity
- Improved user experience
- Reduction in card printing
- Administration benefits
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):
QUESTION: In a Stableford competition, what if I record my actual score which gives me zero (0) Stableford points, and my playing partner enters a P?
ANSWER: A mis-match will only display when nett scores are not the same. in a Stableford competition, if a player holes out for 0 points and enters their gross score in while the marker enters a P (o points ) then mis match is bypassed.
QUESTION: How will the App do a score comparison if my playing partner is using a paper scorecard?
ANSWER: Score Comparison check will be bypassed automatically if your playing partner is not scoring via the app (i.e. has a paper scorecard).
QUESTION: What if my mobile device runs out of battery prior to the end of the round?
ANSWER: If a players device runs out of battery prior the end of the round, the partner will be prevented from submitting their score unless they choose to swap scoring partners. If swapping is not feasible they will need to approach the golf shop to finalise the score entry in these cases.
QUESTION: What if my playing partner pulls out prior to the end of the game?
ANSWER: If your playing partner pulls out prior to the end of the game, MiScore will prevent submitting your score unless you choose to swap scoring partners. If swapping is not feasible you will need to approach the golf shop to finalise the score entry in these cases.
QUESTION: I am a registered user of the MiScore App but I don’t use it for scoring. Could I still get a paper scorecard?
ANSWER: If you want to continue using a paper scorecard, you will need to inform the Golf Starter to print your scorecard when you pay your competition fee.
QUESTION: I use the MiScore App and stay for presentations, without a paper scorecard, I lose the chance of winning the free disc raffle entry draw*.
ANSWER: Plan ahead if you are staying for presentation. Before you tee off, ask the Golf Starter to print your paper scorecard.
QUESTION: For Stroke Competitions during Tuesday Ladies Competitions, we need to indicate the holes where we get ferrets and number of putts. How do we do these if we are using the MiScore App and have no paper scorecard?
ANSWER: The MiScore App records number of putts per hole. OneGolf can generate the number of putts recorded for each player using the App. If the number of putts is zero (0), this indicates a ferret. Make sure you enable recording of putts before you tee-off.
- Tap on ‘Menu’ on the top right corner of the App
- Tap on ‘Settings’
- Turn on ‘Putts Enabled’
* Please note that you need to be in the clubhouse during the presentation of competition winners to be eligible to win the free disc raffle entry.
MiScore App Support
For any queries or help with the MiScore App, you may contact the MiClub Support Team.
Phone: 08 9444 5300
MiScore Live Chat: There is also a Live Chat Support Facility you can use located on the bottom right hand corner of the MiScore Support Page.
If you would like to find out more about the MiScore App, visit their website
- The use of the MiScore App is NOT compulsory.
- Whether or not you are using the MiScore App, Cerberus Golf Club will continue to print your scorecard during competitions as we go through this introduction and integration phase.
- The Match Committee reserves the right to amend and implement policies regarding the use of the MiScore App in club competitions/major events.
- Cerberus Golf Club requires only one digital signature — the marker’s signature, to submit a player’s scorecard. This is consistent with the practice of over 95% of clubs subscribed to MiScore.
- The MiScore App will work regardless whether your marker uses the App or not.
If you are using the MiScore App but your marker is NOT using the APP
You can use the App as another player’s marker and digitally submit the score of the player whose score you are marking to OneGolf.
- As with current practice, you and the other player need to discuss and agree on their score before you digitally sign and submit their score to OneGolf.
- This will then be the official score submitted to OneGolf.
- The player’s printed scorecard does NOT need to be scanned in the computer inside the clubhouse.
- Whether or not the printed scorecard has been filled out, place the card in the filing box for purposes of the weekly free disc raffle entry draw*.
- It is your responsibility as a marker to place the card in the filing box, especially if this has been filled out, to avoid score tampering.
- For Ladies Competitions: You will still need the printed scorecard for purposes of noting down ferrets, birdies and number of putts.
You can still record your own score in the App but this will NOT be digitally submitted to OneGolf.
- As with current practice, your marker can use the printed scorecard to mark your score.
- You and your marker need to discuss and agree on your score then sign the printed scorecard.
- The signed printed scorecard have to then be scanned through the computer inside the clubhouse, in the presence of your marker, which will serve as the official score submitted to OneGolf.
If you are NOT using the App but your marker is using the MiScore App
Your marker can record your score on the App in their device and digitally submit your score to OneGolf.
- As with current practice, you and your marker need to discuss and agree on your score before your marker digitally signs and submits your score to OneGolf.
- This will then be the official score submitted to OneGolf.
- Your printed scorecard does NOT need to be scanned in the computer inside the clubhouse.
- Whether or not the printed scorecard has been filled out, your marker has to place the card in the filing box for purposes of the weekly free disc raffle entry draw*.
- It is your marker’s responsibility to place the card in the filing box, especially if this has been filled out, to avoid score tampering.
- For Ladies Competitions: Your marker will still need the printed scorecard for purposes of noting down ferrets, birdies and number of putts*.
You can use the printed scorecard to mark the other player’s score and monitor your own score, as with current practice.
- You and the other player, whose score you are marking, need to discuss and agree on their score then sign the printed scorecard.
- The signed printed scorecard have to then be scanned through the computer inside the clubhouse which will serve as the official score submitted to OneGolf.
If both you and your marker are both using the MiScore App
- You can use the App as another player’s marker and digitally submit the score of the player whose score you are marking to OneGolf.
- The other player’s score that you digitally submit will be the official score submitted to OneGolf.
- The score the other player records on his device will NOT be digitally submitted to OneGolf.
- Hence, the other player will not be digitally allowed to alter their score themselves.
- Your marker can record your score on the App in their device and digitally submit your score to OneGolf.
- Your score that the marker digitally submits will be the official score submitted to OneGolf.
- The score you record on your device will NOT be digitally submitted to OneGolf.
- Hence, you will not be digitally allowed to alter your score, yourself.
- As with current practice, you both need to discuss and agree on each other’s score before digitally signing and submitting scores to OneGolf.
- The printed scorecard do NOT need to be scanned in the computer inside the clubhouse.
- Whether or not the printed scorecards have been filled out, place the card in the filing box for purposes of the weekly free disc raffle entry draw*.
- It is the marker’s responsibility to place the printed scorecard in the filing box, especially if this has been filled out, to avoid score tampering.
- For Ladies Competitions: You will still need the printed scorecard for purposes of noting down ferrets, birdies and number of putts.
- You can use the App as another player’s marker and digitally submit the score of the player whose score you are marking to OneGolf.
* Please note that you need to be in the clubhouse during the presentation of competition winners to be eligible to win the free disc raffle entry.