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Greetings Cerberus Golf Club members,

It is my honour and privilege to be your Club President for the 2024-25 golfing season.

I have been playing this hidden gem for 26 years, on and off coinciding with my Navy career and return postings to HMAS Cerberus and I have witnessed the developments and valued the experiences, the friendships, I have made over this time.

I would like to welcome our returning members and also extend a warm welcome to our new members as we continue to achieve an impressive retention rate for our club. With the dedication through your membership, the valued contributions, we continue to develop comradery and our love for the game of golf.

I would also like to welcome our Office Bearers, General and Ladies Sub-Committee Members and Staff who also share in my commitment and excitement. Our goal is to deliver first-class tournaments in cooperation with the Pro-Shop, course maintenance and upgrades to enhance your golfing experience at Cerberus golf Club (CGC).

As we look to the season ahead we will continue the many CGC traditions that have been established over incredible history, a proud history. Our tournament and competition formats remain largely the same with a mixture of individual, team and social events. I encourage you to view our schedule and to those particular social events advertised for participation.

Our club, as most will be aware, also operates on a heavy voluntary basis with many individuals providing unwavering support to establish and maintain the club and the course in its present state, which I am sure you will all agree is in some of the best condition we’ve seen. My thanks and appreciation to you all. Voluntary positions offer a wonderful opportunity to be an integral part of the club, meet new people, express your ideas and provide your skill sets.

Cerberus Golf Club has a very exciting year ahead. You will have noticed the works carried out on the 1st and 7th bunkers with the remainder bunker upgrades scheduled over the season. Other upgrades to the club and its profile will be achieved through environmental and media, such as landscaping to the Clubhouse frontage and surrounds, drone works with photo and video footage to enhance our website and official Facebook page and planning underway for new course/hole signage.

Club operations are monitored and managed through committee meetings on a monthly basis and I encourage all members to bring their ideas to the table. If you would like to raise anything, please make contact with one of our committee members so that it can be discussed and formalised.

I am passionate about golf and in the continued growth of CGC; singularly I can achieve nothing and I will count on your support to achieve the growth and goals we share for ‘Our Club’ and I look forward to working with you all.


Matt Marson

President – Cerberus Golf Club

28 Aug 24

Positions on General Committee for 2024/25

All members are reminded that the 2024 Annual General Meeting will be held in the clubhouse from 9.00am for a 9.30am start this Saturday 3 August. All positions on committee will be vacated prior to the formal election of the 24/25 committee. Committee nominations for 24/25 should be placed on the club noticeboard before Saturday 3 August. All members – 6 and 7 day – are requested to seriously consider nomination. Our club cannot function without the support and dedication of those members willing to fulfil committee positions. Being a committee person is quite simple only requiring attendance at one meeting per month. Apart from that a Duty Committee requirement about every two months. Positions on the General Committee are open to all 6 and 7 day members.

Attention is drawn also to the Notice of Motion to be placed before members – for the draft change to the Club’s Rules of Incorporation to be accepted. Details of which are available on the club noticeboard and on the Club’s website.


Steve Wright

President CGC 

31 July 2014


3rd AUGUST 2024

Dear Members,

Cerberus Golf Club Members are advised that the 2024 Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held in the clubhouse at 9:30am Saturday 3rd August 2024.  Members should arrive at 9:00am for commencement of meeting at 9:30am.

Please note that in accordance with club rules, this AGM notice of meeting was posted on the clubhouse notice board on Tuesday  9th July, 2024.  All six (6) and seven (7) day members of the club are encouraged to attend, including those not playing golf on the day.

Purpose of the Meeting

The purpose of holding the AGM is to conform with the requirements as an Incorporated Association (CGC) under the terms of the Department of Consumer Affairs Victoria.  The ordinary business of the AGM will be to:

  1. Confirm the Minutes of the 2023 Annual General Meeting.
  2. Receive Committee reports from the President, Captain and Treasurer regarding Club Operations during the previous Financial Year;
  3. Elect Officers of the Club and General Committee Members for the year 2024/2025; and
  4. To process/discuss any business, including Notice of Motions that are placed on the agenda by Members, a minimum of 21 days prior to the AGM.

Notice of Motion

The following Notice of Motion is put before members of Cerberus Golf Club at 3 August 2024 AGM:

  1. “That members of the club accept all proposed changes to the Rules of the Club as shown in the draft change document placed on the CGC website and provided in hard copy at the clubhouse”.

See link below which shows proposed changes:

Proposed Rules of the Club.

Committee Nominations

Nominations for all Committee positions (except that of the President) are requested from Members to reach the Club by Saturday, 3rd of August.  Nominations are to be recorded on the nomination sheet posted on the in-house club notice board.  Nominations are to contain the name of the nominee; the position nominated; the names of the Proposer and a Seconder.  It should be noted that Seven (7) and Six (6) Day Members may be nominated.

The following positions are available:

  • Captain;
  • Vice-Captain;
  • Secretary;
  • Treasurer;
  • Assistant Treasurer;
  • Handicapper;
  • Social Secretary; and
  • up to eight (8) General Committee Members.

Yours sincerely,

Dirk Rynaard
Cerberus Golf Club, Inc.

Pedestrian/Traffic Safety Hole 9/18

Members are reminded and instructed NOT to hit any shots down the 9th/18th hole when cars or pedestrians are approaching down Cook Road.  The Club continues to get complaints from the general public and we urge members to respectfully comply with this notice and course signage.

CGC General Committee 

15th July 2024



Dear Members,

As we approach the end of the 2022 golfing season, the Club’s Management Committee is undertaking a consultation process with members regarding the Club’s competition structure for 2023.

As part of this process, the Committee has prepared an online survey which we encourage all members to complete.  Being online, the survey can be done at a time convenient to you and will take less than 5 minutes to complete. 

The survey invitation will be sent to your email address which you have provided the club.  For those who have not provided their email address, please send your email address to before Saturday, 10th December in order to be included.  We intend to commence sending email invitations on Monday, 12th of December. 

The email invitation will contain a website link you click on which will take you to the survey on your web browser.  Because the email has a website link, please check your SPAM or JUNK folder in case your internet provider’s spam filter redirects it.

For the remaining few who do not have their email address in our records, we will send a letter by post which will have a QR Code.  Please scan the QR Code using your mobile phone and it will direct your web browser to the survey.

We request that surveys be completed immediately upon receipt of our email.

Once completed, you will not be able to retake the survey.  This is to ensure that the survey is conducted in a fair manner and that the results are a true reflection of members’ views.

Importantly, your responses to the survey will be anonymous.  Responses from the survey will only be analysed in aggregate. 

The survey will be open until the 6th of January.  The Committee believes this will provide all members sufficient time. Should any member be unable to complete the survey online by the deadline, please contact the Club Secretary or myself asap so an alternate solution can be achieved.

Whilst the survey is not mandatory, we strongly encourage all members to complete it so the Committee can fully assess the views of its entire membership base and action accordingly.

As a highly valued member of the Cerberus Golf Club, the Committee and I look forward to your participation in this survey. Thank you for your assistance.  

Yours sincerely,

Steve Wright
President CGC

Message to All Members:

Nominations are requested from members for the annual award – the ‘Wayne Lewis Award’ (Club Person of the Year). Awarded to the club member who has made the greatest overall contribution to the Club in 2022. All nominations are to be written and submitted by the Proposer and with at least one Seconder – nominations are due to the club by Saturday 12 November 2022.

Nominations can be emailed Attention: Club Secretary – Dirk Rynaard – at email: or placed in an envelope and dropped in the ‘blue box’ situated inside the club house.

Please note that written nominations should address the following points:

  1. Contribution to the Club. May include voluntary work on the course or in and around the clubhouse.  It may include service to the Club which is not physically evident.
  2. Personal qualities and other contributing factors.

Steve Wright
President CGC

What’s on at Cerberus over the Cup Weekend?

We have a couple of special events coming up over the Melbourne Cup Weekend.

Sun 30th Oct, GALA DAY (3 person ambrose), 8.30am shotgun start – contact Danny if you wish to enter a team or if you are a single player hoping to join a team.  $33 per player ($99 per team), includes lunch, 1 free drink, gift and fantastic prizes.  Big thankyou to our MAJOR Sponsor Westernport Hotel ($600 value in gift vouchers to be won).  Also great prizes donated by TAYLORMADE, WILSON, AXIS GOLF AND MASERATI (Chris Carbone). Spinning wheel on the day ($5 per number), 1st prize Taylormade Golf Bag, other prizes include Meat Packs, Beer & Wine.   

Tue 1st Nov, MELBOURNE CUP DAY, Alf Simpson Shield (4 person ambrose), 9.30am shotgun start.  Login to 1golf to register your name in a team.  $10 per player, B.Y.O. lunch/snacks.  Melbourne Cup Raffle – tickets now available for sale in the clubhouse.  Major prize, hamper, donated by the Australian Military Bank.  $1 per ticket or 6 for $5.  

Club Championships Coming Up

Men’s Club Championships and Ladies (Sat players) Nett Championships commence on Saturday 12th November.  No cost to enter (standard daily sat comp fee applies).  Please register via 1GOLF when bookings open at 3pm this Friday.  Round 1, EARLY BOARD (register via 1GOLF as per normal).  LATE BOARD; in 1GOLF all rows on the late board will show as 10:30am.  Please book into any row and a couple of days later we will seed the field into handicap order, low to high – check 1GOLF midweek to see your allocated time.    

Ladies Club Championships commence on Tuesday 15th November (MDE available).  Entry form available from the Golf Shop – entries close Nov 1, 2022.



Notice of AGM

The 2022 Cerberus Golf Club Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held at the clubhouse on Saturday, 6th August 2022, 9:00am arrival for a 9:30am meeting start.  The Notice of Meeting has been placed on the clubhouse noticeboard.

The purpose of holding the AGM is to conform with the requirements as an Incorporated Association (CGC) under the terms of the Department of Consumer Affairs Victoria.  The ordinary business of the AGM will be to:

  1. Confirm the Minutes of the 2020/21 Annual General Meeting;
  2. Receive Committee reports from the President, Captain and Treasurer regarding Club operations during the previous Financial Year;
  3. Elect Officers of the Club and General Committee Members for the year 2022/2023; and
  4. To process/discuss any business, including Notice of Motions, that are placed on the agenda by Members a minimum of 21 days prior to the AGM.

Committee Nominations

Nominations for all Committee positions (except that of the President) are still being accepted.  Nominations should be placed on the sheet provided on the clubhouse noticeboard.  It should be noted that Seven (7) and Six (6) Day Members may be nominated to serve on the general committee.

Positions available are:

  • Captain
  • Vice Captain
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Handicapper
  • Social Secretary
  • General Committee Members (up to 8)

Members are reminded that all six (6) and seven (7) day members are entitled and indeed encouraged to attend the meeting.  Even those members not playing golf on the day.

Any queries about the AGM or positions on committee may be directed to me or another member of the current committee as appropriate.

Steve Wright
President Cerberus GC

Dear Members,

To ensure everyone’s safety at the club and out on the course, members operating their own or private golf carts on the course are requested to provide a copy of their Certificate of Insurance or policy that covers:

  • Liability for Third Party Property Damage; and/or
  • Personal injury caused by use or control of the golf cart/buggy.

Private golf carts that are not insured, present risks of personal liability not only to the owner or user but also to others should an accident occur.  As we have an obligation to ensure everyone’s safety and as standard practice across all golf clubs, please send a copy of your Certificate of Insurance or policy to Danny on or before 30 April at the latest.  Otherwise, use of your private golf cart within our premises may be suspended until it is insured.

Thank you for your cooperation on this matter.

Steve Wright
President Cerberus GC

Dear Members,

Our greens are currently softer than normal and we noticed that not all golfers are repairing their pitch marks.  We also noticed a lot of shoe spike marks that appear to have been caused by golfers dragging their shoes while walking on the greens. 

We are requesting our Members to repair their own pitch marks as well as be mindful of how they walk through the greens to avoid creating spike marks.

We would also like to appeal to our community of Members to help the club by being mindful of existing pitch marks left by others and take initiative in repairing them.  Pitch marks, when left unattended, will result in long term or even permanent damage on our greens especially in its current conditions.  Let us all work together in keeping our course in great conditions. 

Your cooperation and assistance would be greatly appreciated. 

Steve Wright
President Cerberus GC

David Hilet
Club Captain

Firstly, to all members the committee wishes everyone a great new year in 2022.  We all need a vastly improved year following the past two.


I take this opportunity to thank all our volunteers and our paid staff for the position the club enjoys, without your personal efforts the club would not prosper as it does.


This time of year, increasing summer temperatures combined with decreasing rainfall at times sees the increased use of fairway sprinklers.  The club uses three portable fairway sprinklers and Pat our superintendent must spend a couple of hours per week during dry spells moving them from place to place.  The committee recognises that this is time consuming for him.  Therefore, the committee asks the membership if there is a member or two that may live locally and have the time to spare to volunteer to assist in the task of moving these sprinklers on nominated days.  The three sprinklers are normally shifted twice per day when in use.   Should any member be able to assist in this task – please identify yourself to Pat who can provide additional detail on the overall task. The committee is willing to provide payment to anyone available.

Steve Wright
President Cerberus GC

Members are advised that enhancements have been made to the member privileges and fee structure in order to streamline the implementation of competitions, eclectic, season cups and championship.

The changes are outlined below:

Saturday Competitions

Mens Division

  • Free and automatic entry to all Season Cups and Eclectic Competitions.
  • Free and automatic entry to Club Championships.
  • As well as an Overall Winner, a separate winner will be awarded for Grades A, B and C.
  • Ball run down cut-off will be extended from Top 25% to Top 30% of the day’s field.

Ladies Division

  • Free and automatic entry to all Season Cups and Eclectic Competitions.
  • Free and automatic entry to Ladies Club Championships which is now a Multi-Day Event.
  • In addition to the Overall Winner, a Runner-Up Prize will be awarded (provided there are at least 10 Starters for the Division).
  • Ball run down cut-off will be extended from Top 25% to Top 30% of the day’s field.

Thursday and Tuesday Open Competitions

  • Free and automatic entry into the Mid-Week Cup.
  • A golf ball will be awarded for every Birdie score in line with the guidelines during Saturday competitions (e.g. does not apply for Grade A Members on Par 5s).

Tuesday Ladies Competitions

  • Introduction of Eclectic, Autumn, Summer and Spring Cups commencing on the 25th of January 2022.
  • Free and automatic entry to all Season Cups and Eclectic Competitions.
  • Free and automatic entry to Ladies Club Championships.
  • Ball run down cut-off will be extended from Top 25% to Top 30% of the day’s field.

To accommodate these additional privileges, the Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday competition fees will be increased from $8 to $10. This additional revenue will fund the overall prize pools and additional benefits detailed above.

Please note that the club has made a substantial investment in 1GOLF to facilitate quick, ease and accurate processing of scorecards for any competition format including season cups and eclectic. Streamlining our competitions, cups and events (automatic entries) will maximise not only this investment but also the efficiencies inherent to using 1GOLF.

These changes were originally planned 12 months ago. After robust discussions, decisions were made to put these on hold during the uncertainty around COVID and lockdowns. With lockdowns hopefully now behind us, these modifications in our member privileges and fee structure will take effect on the 1st of January 2022 for Saturday and Mid-Week Open Competitions.   Meanwhile, for Tuesday Ladies Competitions, this will take effect on the 25th of January 2022 when the Eclectic and Season Cup Competitions commence. 

A record amount of $3,000 was donated to the Good Friday Appeal by Cerberus Golf Club on behalf of its members.   This would not have been possible if not for our donors. 

The generosity of the following donors provided us with raffle prizes and items for auction.
  • Australian Military Bank
  • Ballarat Golf Club
  • Centenary Park Golf Course
  • Port Fairy Golf Club
  • Warrnambool Golf Club
  • Mizuno Corporation Australia
  • Mercure Ballarat Hotel and Convention Centre
  • Lady Bay Resort
  • Beach Avenue Wholesalers Pty Ltd
  • Sales Net Group
  • Somerville Village Meats
  • Dainton Beer Brewery and Taphouse
  • Beachside Volkswagen
  • Magic Hand Carwash at Frankston
  • Regal Sleep Solutions at the Power Centre in Frankston
  • Breathe Hair Salon at Frankston
  • Bayside Chiropractic Centre
  • Guitar Village Australia
  • Page Bros RV Jayco
  • Cignall Frankston
And a big thank you to all our members who also generously donated raffle prizes.
Special mention must be made of PETER KELLY, who played a significant part in boosting our fundraising tally by securing numerous auction items and raffle prizes from the above listed businesses.
With your support, Cerberus Golf Club raised just under $3,000 (topped up to 3K by the Club) which has surpassed the amount we have raised in recent years’ Good Friday Appeal event.
As you know, the Good Friday Appeal raises funds to enable The Royal Children’s Hospital in Melbourne to provide world class care to patients as well as support patients’ families.  This includes research to push the boundaries of paediatric care which is essential in transforming the future of children’s health, acquiring the most advanced equipment and technology to achieve the best outcomes for patients, education and training of medical staff as well as patient and family-centred care programs.
Again, we would like to thank all our members for participating in our Good Friday Appeal Fundraiser last week and for your thoughtful donation.  The hospital could not do what it does without the generous support of a caring community.

7-Day Lady Members Multi-Day Event Guidelines

Seven day lady members that choose to participate in the multi day events will by handicapped ONCE, on the day the card is submitted to Golf Link. Scores from play on Saturdays will be manually entered into the Tuesday ladies competition for game calculations and presentation purposes.

Seven day lady members entering the multi day events must pay the nominated ($8.00) entry fee for each competition they intend entering prior to the start of the Saturday round. Players choosing to participate in the Saturdays and the following Tuesday’s ladies event, must have entered the respective competitions prior to play on the Saturday.  Entry into Saturday and Tuesday competitions is optional. Seven day ladies may play on the Saturday without competing in the Saturday competition of the day.

Every endeavour has been made to align the Saturday ladies events with the upcoming Tuesday events. However, in some instances event alignment and therefore the conduct of multi-day events has not been possible.

Weekly, special and board events along with the respective entry open dates are clearly displayed in the annual Club Programme Booklet that will be available shortly.

All seven day lady members will be automatically included in the “Tuesday” ladies eclectic at no cost. Separate Summer, Autumn, Winter and Spring cups will be run for seven day lady members. $2.00 entry fee will apply.

Seven day lady members playing on Saturdays for the Tuesday competition and prizes will not be eligible for the Tuesday NTP’s and 2nd shot on the 2nd green. These prizes are sponsored by members specifically for the Tuesday competitions with no funds allocated from entrance fees. Separate Saturday ladies NTP’s will be introduced.

The winning seven day lady member will normally receive the customary $25.00 winner’s prize. 25% of entrants plus ties will dictate the weekly ball rundown.

Minimum Competitors – All Competitions. A minimum of four (4) competitors is required for any competition. If less than four players are entered entry fees will be refunded and players will play for handicapping purposes only.

Letter from the President

11 December 2020

Dear Members,

For some time this year Committee has been focusing on Equality matters here at our club. Following the establishment of an Equality Working Group earlier this year and after receipt of recommendations, a committee Equality meeting was convened on 4 November this year.

This letter is designed to provide all members with advice on decisions made by Committee and the introduction of changes that will come into effect from 1 January 2021.

  1. Committee. There will be no changes to existing management arrangements at the club. The General Committee will continue in its current structure but with the incumbent Lady President and Lady Captain added as defined Officers of the Club on committee as voted in by members at the last AGM. The Ladies Sub-Committee will continue to coordinate all ladies golf at the club.
  2. Match Sub-Committee. The present separate Men’s and Ladies match sub-committees will amalgamate into a single Match Sub-Committee.
  3. Tuesday Ladies Competition. The traditional weekly ‘Ladies Competition’ will continue as a Golf Australia defined ‘Special Measure’ with tee times for the ladies between 8.30 and 09.30 Tuesday mornings.
  4. Tuesday Open Competition. A second ‘open’ midweek competition will be initiated for Tuesdays to provide all members with a further golf competition opportunity. Tee times for this competition will be prior to, or following the ladies field.
  5. Thursday Events. The current Thursday nine and 18 Hole competitions will continue to be coordinated through the Manager and OneGolf.
  6. Men’s Saturday Competition. The Men’s Saturday competition will continue as normal, managed by the Match (Men’s) Committee.
  7. New Saturday Ladies Competition. A New Saturday Ladies competition will be introduced for all seven day ladies. This will be conducted concurrently with the Men’s Saturday events.
  8. Introduction of Multi-Day Events. Seven day lady members’ who are unable to compete in the weekly Tuesday Ladies competitions because of work or other commitments, will be eligible to enter and play the following Tuesday’s competition – on the Saturday prior. This sequence will enable the ‘same’ competition to be played across both days – with the events concluding on each Tuesday. Ladies that choose to enter both the Tuesday and the Ladies Competition of the day (Saturday) will be required to nominate prior and pay the standard $8.00 entry for each event.
    1. All ladies trophy, board and championship events will follow this format.
    2. A minimum of Four Competitors will be required in all club golf events to qualify as a competition.

With the decision by Committee to introduce separate competitions for both men and women, on competitions days, and to facilitate the playing of ‘multi-day’ Tuesday competitions on Saturdays for those lady members choosing to enter, Male competitors will compete for the range of current Men’s trophies, prizes and championships – including all board events. While Women competitors in the Tuesday competitions – including those seven day ladies playing events on Saturdays, will compete for the range of Women’s trophies, championships and other relevant Tuesday competition prizes.

These changes will come into effect from 1 January 2021.  Additional information will be provided in due course. Members with queries are encouraged to speak to members of the committee.

Yours sincerely,

Cerberus Golf Club

Trophy and Board Events for Men

Club Championships

The Men’s Club Championships are conducted over the three consecutive Saturdays of stroke play in November immediately following the Melbourne Cup.

Three completed rounds constitute the Men’s Club Championships. To account for inclement weather and other occurrences, a fourth Saturday is used as a spare day and is included within the club program in case a round is cancelled.

The Men’s Club Championships shall be competed for in three divisions, A, B and C grades.   Each division handicap limits will be decided by the Match Committee.

The starting handicap of each player is used each round. Round One will be played in handicap order, lowest to highest.  Round Two will be played in (round 1) gross order lowest to highest.  Round Three will be played in grade order, highest to lowest.

Trophies will be presented for the best gross and nett scores of each division and other events as decided by the Committee. The best gross scores of each division will be entered on the honour board.

Club Champion

Axford Cup. Club Champion Donated by LT. J. Axford – 1956

Best gross aggregate played over 54 holes of the individual Men’s Club Championships.  Open to all grades.   In the event of a tie, 18 holes of stroke is to be played to decide the winner within one week of tie.

Overall Nett Champion

Warrant Officer’s Trophy. Previously ROTHMANS Trophy 1983 then CPO’s Trophy to 1998.

Awarded to the best aggregate nett score for 54 holes of the individual Men’s Club Championships.  Open to all grades.   Original handicap to apply throughout.  In the event of a tie, 18 holes handicap stroke, off original handicap, to be played within one week.

A Grade Nett Champion

Instructor Officer Trophy.  Nett  “A” Grade champion. -.1971

Awarded to the best nett score aggregate for 54 holes of the individual Men’s Club Championships.  Open to “A” grade division players.  Original handicap to apply throughout the competition.  In the event of a tie, 18 holes handicap stroke, off original handicap, to be played within one week.

B Grade Gross Champion

Courage Trophy. “B” Grade Gross Champion – 1973

Best gross aggregate played over 54 holes of the individual Men’s Club Championships.  Open to “B” grade division players only.  In the event of a tie, 18 holes of stroke to be played within one week to decide the winner.

B Grade Nett Champion

Western Port Jewelers Trophy.  Nett “B” Grade Champion 1981 Donated by Mr. Herbert Glavitach.

Awarded to the best nett score aggregate for 54 holes of the individual Men’s Club Championships.  Open to “B” grade division players.  Original handicap to apply throughout the competition. In the event of a tie, 18 holes handicap stroke off original handicap, to be played within one week.

C Grade Gross Champion

Tom Pinney Trophy.  “C” Grade Gross Champion 1971 Donated by Lt. Tom Pinney R.N.

Best gross aggregate played over 54 holes of the individual Men’s Club Championships.  Open to “C” grade division players only.  In the event of a tie, 18 holes of stroke to be played within one week to decide the winner.

C Grade Nett Champion

Senior Sailors Trophy.  “C” Grade Nett 1983   (PO.s Trophy Until 1998) Donated by the Petty Officers Mess HMAS Cerberus

Awarded to the best nett score aggregate for 54 holes of the individual Men’s Club Championships.  Open to “C” grade division players.  Original handicap to apply throughout the competition. In the event of a tie, 18 holes handicap stroke off original handicap, to be played within one week.

Eligibility For Club Championships.

To be eligible to compete in the Men’s Club Championships a member must have played at least 10 individual Club events during the preceding year. Under exceptional circumstances this ruling may be waived at the discretion of the Match Committee.

Club Trophy Events

The Match Committee facilitates a number of Club Trophy Events which are conducted on Saturdays throughout the year.  These events are open to 7-day male members only unless specified.

Summer Cup (January) 1972

Awarded for best nett total from three rounds consisting of Par, Stableford & Stroke.  Current handicaps apply through all three rounds.  All three rounds to be completed in one month: in the event of a tie, a stroke round of 18 holes is to be played within four weeks.

Autumn Cup (April) 1971

Awarded for best nett total from three rounds consisting of Par, Stableford & Stroke.  Current handicaps apply through all three rounds.  All three rounds to be completed in one month: in the event of a tie, a stroke round of 18 holes is to be played within four weeks.

Winter Cup (July) 1971

Awarded for best nett total from three rounds consisting of Par, Stableford & Stroke.  Current handicaps apply through all three rounds.  All three rounds to be completed in one month: in the event of a tie, a stroke round of 18 holes is to be played within four weeks.

Spring Cup (October) 1971

Awarded for best nett total from three rounds consisting of Par, Stableford & Stroke.  Current handicaps apply through all three rounds.  All three rounds to be completed in one month: in the event of a tie, a stroke round of 18 holes is to be played within four weeks.

Jason Stubbs Trophy  1992

This is held over 4 seasonal cups, commencing with the Summer Cup and finishing with the Spring Cup.  Points are awarded to the top ten place getters in each of the seasonal cup events. The member with the highest aggregate of points after the Spring Cup will win the trophy and prize.

Medal of Medallist SGN CMDR B. O’Donnell 1971

Open to all grade Monthly Medal winners of the previous 12 months commencing at the December Monthly Medal.   Played in conjunction with the final round of Club Championships.

Belbin–Maloney Trophy Foursome Championship 1966

Stroke competition.  Played over 1 round of 27 holes.  Best gross score. Normally played in May.   In the event of a tie, play off over 18 holes.

Bill Lewis Memorial Shield 1977

Best overall nett 18 hole stroke.  To be played for on the October Monthly Medal Day.   In the event of a tie, normal count back rules apply.

Commodore Purvis Trophy Mixed Canadian Foursomes 1972

Donated by Commodore and Mrs. Purvis.  A handicap stroke event over 18 holes. In the event of a tie, normal count back rules apply.

Cyril Chandler Shield 1965

Donated by Mrs. C. Chandler.  Nett event over 18 holes best overall Stableford score. Normally played for the day of the AGM. In the event of a tie normal count back rules apply.

Handicap Match Play Championship 1969

Current handicaps to apply throughout the competition. Draw to be posted and maintained up to date in the Club House.  Match committee to make draw and to draw up time / round. Match committee to handle all disputes in accordance with the rules of golf.

H.O.B. Hodgson Trophy  1975

Ambrose team of 4.  Stroke 18 hole, best nett, handicap 1/8 total.  In the event of a tie, normal count back rules apply.

Hooker Trophy   1970

Stableford 4BBB over 18 holes, Best 8 pairs qualify for 4BBB Match Play (iaw Four Ball Matchplay) for the trophy.  Current handicaps are used throughout.  Normal count back conditions apply for determining the 8 qualifying pairs.  Match Committee will determine the knockout draw with Pair 1 v Pair 8, Pair 2 v Pair 7, Pair 3 v Pair 6, Pair 4 v Pair 5.

Senior’s Trophy Donated by the Bar Staff Pennant Windup 1985

Conducted concurrently with the Spring Cup, over 3 rounds, where each result is converted to stroke. In the event of a tie a 18 hole stroke round to be played within a calendar month.  At least 8 starters are required before this competition may be held.

Junior Encouragement Trophy. 1984 Donated by the Bar Staff Pennant Windup

Conducted concurrently with the Spring Cup, over 3 rounds, where each result is converted to stroke.  In the event of a tie a 18 hole stroke round to be played within a calendar month.  At least 2 starters are required for competition to be held.

Life Members Trophy 1984

Trophy donated by Life Members to replace “ Old Cobbers Trophy” which was a putter, supplied by Taylor Ferguson & Co

Played on a date decided by the present Life Members. 18 Hole Handicap Par In the event of a tie normal count back rules apply.

Stephenson Trophy (Father / Son Trophy)

Aggregate Stableford, both father and Son must be current members of Cerberus Golf Club, played in conjunction with the single Stableford round of the winter cup in July.  In the event of a tie normal count-back rules apply to aggregate score.

Aggregate Stableford of any combination of Father/Mother and Son/Daughter.  Both must be current members of Cerberus Golf Club.  Played in conjunction with the single Stableford round of the Winter Cup in July. In the event of a tie normal count-back rules apply to aggregate score.

Alf Simpson Shield

Donated by Mrs. M and Mr. B Smith.  Four person Ambrose played for on Melbourne Cup day each year.  The shield winners must be a mixed group of current members of Cerberus golf club.  The overall winners maybe a group of members and non-members, non-handicap players are given handicaps as follows Ladies 36 and Men 27 all conditions are the same as other Cerberus Ambrose events.

Phil Buzzacott Trophy 1973

Best overall Nett 18 hole stroke. To be played for on the January Monthly Medal Day.  In the event of a tie, normal count back rules apply.

Patrons and Presidents Tray  1968 Donated by Commodore J Dowson

Stableford teams event.  Teams selected by President and Patron.  Total of all scores to count (all members of winning team receive a ball).

Red Anchor Trophy 1972

18 hole Stableford Nett.  Played on AGM day.  In the event of a tie, normal count back rules apply.

The Cerberus Gun Trophy 1989

Made by Leut D G Bewert and ABMTP Nevil.  Flinders Golf Club V Cerberus Golf Club.

Handicap Stableford consisting of 20 players per team History is maintained in the Cerberus Gun Trophy Book.

Maurice Sorrel Shield

Annual team event played between CERBERUS and DEVILBEND.  18 hole handicap Stableford.

Serving Personnel Trophies

Sarel Cup (Par) RADM C. Sarel 1934

18 hole handicap Par.  In the event of a tie, 18 hole play off.

Dallmeyer Cup (Par) CDRE W.A. Dallmeyer 1950

18 hole handicap Par.  In the event of a tie, 18 hole play off.

President’s Trophy (Stableford) CDRE J. Plunkett-Cole 1959

18 holes Stableford.  In the event of a tie, 18 hole play off.

Francis Trophy (Stableford) LCDR G. Francis 1963

18 hole handicap Stableford.  In the event of a tie, 18 hole play off.

Cerberus Trophy

18 hole handicap Stroke.  Best 8 qualify for Match Play trophy.  Current handicap to be used throughout.  Normal count-back rules apply in selection of best 8.  First round matches played as follows: 1 plays 8, 2 plays 7, 3 plays 6 and 4 plays 5.

Trophy and Board Events for Ladies

Club Championship

Original handicaps to prevail throughout the Club Championship.  No competitor shall be entitled to receive more than one trophy in respect to any event.

Eligibility For Club Championships.

To be eligible to compete in the Ladies Club Championships, a member must have played at least 10 individual ladies events during the preceding year.  Under exceptional circumstances, this ruling may be waived at the discretion of the Match Committee.

Champion of Champions

Best overall aggregate gross score played over three stroke 18-hole rounds in the individual Ladies Club Championship.  Open to all grades.  In the event of a tie a stroke round of 18 holes is to be played within 14 days.  If still tied a sudden death play-off will be played on the 1st hole, 4th hole and 9th hole.  Concurrent nett event ties will be decided by the Golf Victoria count back system.

‘B’ Grade Champion

Best aggregate gross score played over three stroke 18-hole rounds in the individual Ladies Club Championship.  Open to B Grade Division players only.  In the event of a tie a stroke round of 18 holes is to be played within 14 days.  If still tied a sudden death play-off will be played on the 1st hole, 4th hole and 9th hole.  Concurrent nett event ties will be decided by the Golf Victoria count back system.

‘C’ Grade Champion

Best aggregate gross score played over three stroke 18-hole rounds in the individual Ladies Club Championship.  Open to C Grade Division players only.  In the event of a tie a stroke round of 18 holes is to be played within 14 days.  If still tied a sudden death play-off will be played on the 1st hole, 4th hole and 9th hole.  Concurrent nett event ties will be decided by the Golf Victoria count back system.

‘D’ Grade Champion

Best aggregate gross score played over three stroke 18-hole rounds in the individual Ladies Club Championship.  Open to D Grade Division players only.   In the event of a tie a stroke round of 18 holes is to be played within 14 days.  If still tied a sudden death play-off will be played on the 1st hole, 4th hole and 9th hole.  Concurrent nett event ties will be decided by the Golf Victoria count back system.

Major Trophies Lady Members

Original handicaps to prevail throughout all major trophy events.  No competitor shall be entitled to receive more than one trophy in respect to any event.

Winter Cup

One stroke round over 18 holes.  Best 4 nett scores qualify for handicap Matchplay.  Draw as follows:  First plays fourth and second plays third.  The winners play off for the trophy.  All matches are to be completed within 30 days or a forfeit will apply.  Ties in the qualifying round will be decided by the Golf Victoria count back system.

Carol Patison Trophy

Open to players on a handicap of 36 – 54 who have never won a perpetual trophy.  One stroke round over 18 holes – nett event.  In the event of a tie a stroke round of 9 holes shall be played to decide the winner.  The event to be played in conjunction with the last major event of the season.

Mixed Foursomes Championship

Mixed Foursomes stroke play over 18 holes – best gross score.  Men to hit off on the 1st tee.  In the event of a tie the winner to be decided over holes 1, 4 and 9 – lady to hit off on holes 1 and 9.  Only Cerberus Golf Club members are eligible to win this event.

Associates Trophy

Nett event to be played concurrently with the Mixed Foursomes Championship event.  In the event of a tie the winner will be determined by the Golf Victoria count-back system. Only Cerberus Golf Club members are eligible to win this event.

Medal Play

A Medal competition shall comprise of no less than 6 competitors.  The competition shall be cancelled if the field is less than 6.  In the event of a tie the winner will be decided by the Golf Victoria count back system.

Medal of Medallists

This event is open to those players who have won a Medal competition during the current season.  In the event of a tie the winner shall be determined over 18 holes of stroke to be played within 7 days, original handicaps to apply.

Foursomes Championships

One round of 18 holes stroke foursomes.  Best gross score.  In the event of a tie a sudden death play-off will be played over the 1st, 4th and 9th holes.  Hit off by mutual agreement.

Nett Up Trophy

Best Nett Score.  Played concurrently with the Foursomes Championships.  In the event of a tie the winner will be determined by the Golf Victoria count-back system.

Handicap Trophy

Awarded to the player that has reduced her handicap the most number of times during the season.  The season is from February to November.  In case of a tie, a count-back will be determined by the amount of handicap points.

Cerberus Cup

Four Ball Match Play.  Original handicap to prevail throughout the competition.  The Match Committee to make the draw and allocate hit off times.  All disputes to be determined by Match Committee in accordance with the rules of golf.  Each round to be completed within 30 days.  Can be played on a Club day but not on Medal Day.

Members  Trophy

Handicap Stroke Play over 18 holes.  In the event of a tie, the winner will be determined by stroke play over 18 holes.  To be played within 14 days.

Win Guthrie Trophy

For players with handicaps 0 – 36.  Two rounds of handicap stroke over 18 holes.  In the event of a tie the winner to be decided by the Golf Victoria count-back system over the last 18 holes.

Presidents Trophy

The three best nett scores aggregate score over all divisions. In the event of a tie the winner will be decided by the Golf Victoria count-back system.

Life Members Trophy

To be played the first Tuesday in December.  Stroke play over 18 holes.  In the event of a tie the winner will be decided by a sudden death play-off on holes 1, 4 and 9, best gross score wins.

Bessie Harlow

Two rounds of Stableford over 18 holes. In the event of a tie the winner will be decided by the Golf Victoria count-back system.

Nel Grace

One round of Par. In the event of a tie the winner will be decided by the Golf Victoria count-back system.

Leslie Grieve Memorial Trophy

One round of Stableford. In the event of a tie the winner will be decided by the Golf Victoria count-back system.

Office Bearers


Office Bearers

President:  CPO Matt Marson
Captain:  Dave Hilet
Vice Captain:  Bruce Thompson
Lady President:  Mardi Reilly
Lady Captain:  Linda Denny
Secretary:  Dirk Rynaard
Treasurer:  Leon Moran
Assistant Treasurer:  VACANT
Handicapper:  Geoff Leach
Social Secretary: Vicki Rynaard

General Committee:

Leon Williams
Oberon Francis
Rick Welch
Robert Smith

Ladies Sub-Committee

Lady President:  Mardi Reilly
Lady Captain:  Linda Denny
Lady Vice Captain:  Marg Wright
Secretary:  Jacqui Thompson
Treasurer:  Kris Slocombe
Handicapper:  Kath Lacey
General Committee Member:  Cherrie Ridout
General Committee Member:  June O’Reilly

Life Members


1970    Mr. M. Reilly*
1974    Mr. H. O’Brien-Hodgson*
1981    Mr. K. Clarke
1981    Mr. R. Pinkstone*
1982    CMDR G. Robson*
1986    Mr. J. Belbin*
1986    Mr. R. Sands*
1986    Mr. L. Armstrong*
1989    Mrs. B. Bacon
1990    LEUT G. Bewert*
1990    Mr. R. Bird*
1996    Mrs. I. Carr*
1999    Mr. E. W. Hunt
2000    Mrs. M. Godden*
2002    Mr. P. Molloy
2003    Mr. A. Dewhurst
2004    Miss M. Johnston*
2004    Mr. A. Smith*
2009    LCDR S. Wright
2011    Mr. E. Carter*
2012    Mr. W. Lewis*
2015    Mrs. D. Callaghan
2021    Mr. M. Sells



This type of competition is the one most commonly played by professional golfers around the world.  The Stroke event is the true test of a golfer’s ability and is played regularly at club level.

Although the game can be tough on the player, the method of scoring is simple.  The number of strokes taken for each hole is entered onto the card and the card totalled for each nine holes. Both nine hole totals are added together to produce the scratch or gross total. The player’s full handicap is then deducted from the gross score to produce the nett score.

The gross score is required to be entered on the scorecard along with the stableford score (see individual stableford below). Only the gross score is required to be entered into GOLF Link, the handicap deduction will be done automatically.

Most clubs have events which highlight both scratch and nett winners. In both cases, the player with the lowest score is the winner.

The Stableford competition is probably the most common event played at club level. The system takes its name from Dr Stableford of the Liverpool Golf Club, and was introduced in 1931. It involves scoring points based on results at each hole.

Using the index for each hole, players firstly make a mental allocation of their full handicap over eighteen holes. For example, a player of a handicap of 18 will add one shot to the par value for each hole to determine his or her own par for the hole. Thus a hole rates as a par 4 becomes a par 5 for the player.

The points scoring method is then calculated by allocating two points for a par, one point for one over, three points for one under, four points for two under, and so on.

Players who exceed their own par by two strokes score no points for the hole and, since they cannot improve on that result, the player should then pick up their ball and hope to score points on the next hole.

At the end of the round, all points scored are added for each nine holes and totaled for eighteen holes. The player with the most points is the winner.

The Stableford competition has two major advantages. First, it speeds up the game since there is no point continuing to play a hole once your own par is exceeded by two strokes. Second, it means you can have one or two bad holes, but compensate for them during the balance of your round.

When marking the scorecard, note that the number of strokes taken must always be shown for the holes where points are scored. Thus, the card records both strokes and stableford points.

To understand this event, players need to know the method of allocating full handicap strokes to each hole, as explained for the Individual Stableford competition.

Once players mentally determine their own par for each hole, the Individual Par competition challenges them to beat their own par. If players do exceed their par, they score a ‘+’ (plus) for the hole. If players equal their own par, they are said to have halved or squared the hole, which is scored with an ‘O’. If par is not achieved, a ‘-‘(minus) is recorded.

At the end of each nine holes, and at the end of the round, the score calculated by deducting the number of minuses from the number of pluses. Halved holes marked with an ‘O’ are considered to be even or square and are not taken into account when determining the result. The only exception is when all holes are ‘O’ even, then the result will be ‘O’ even.

An even number of pluses and minuses cancel each other out and the result is then even or ‘O”.

The player with the highest result is the winner.

When scoring the card, note that the stroke score must always be shown for holes where the player has halved or beaten par.

The Individual Par competition is a fast game to play and allows clubs to cater for large fields at times when there are minimum daylight hours.

It is customary practice for players to pick up their ball once they are beaten by par.

Golf was played under the Match Play system for hundreds of years and many championships and pennant competitions are still played this way. Match Play simply means the game is played by holes, rather than by calculating the total number of strokes.

A hole is won by the player who holes his or her ball in the least number of strokes. The hole is said to be halved if both players complete the hole in the same score.

The reckoning of holes is kept by the terms ‘holes up’, ‘all square’, and so many holes ‘to play’. A player is ‘dormie’ when there are as many holes up as there are holes remaining to be played.

The match is won by the player who is leading by a number of holes greater than the number of holes remaining.

In handicap Match Play, the lower nett score wins the hole. The handicapping system in Match Play is based on the difference between the players’ stroke handicaps, so that a player on a handicap of 10 would have to give a 18 handicapper eight strokes. These strokes would be allocated on the eight hardest holes according to the Match Play index printed on the scorecard.

Where there is more than eighteen strokes difference between handicaps, players receive two strokes per hole where applicable, using the Match Play index.

Match Play has its own set of rules, which is incorporated in the Rules of Golf. It is advisable for players to be familiar with these rules, as some differ from the rules covering Stroke Play.

Eclectic is a multi-round competition that results in only one 18-hole score for each player entered. Each scorecard is compared with the others played during the selected period and the lowest score for each hole is recorded as the eclectic score.

Eclectic is contested four times a year as follows:

Summer Eclectic – commences January Monthly Medal, completes March Monthly Medal
Autumn Eclectic – commences April Monthly Medal, completes June Monthly Medal
Winter Eclectic – commences July Monthly Medal, completes September Monthly Medal
Summer Eclectic – commences October Monthly Medal, completes December Monthly Medal.

Separate eclectic competitions are conducted for men and women. The handicap of players at the commencement of the competition is halved and will remain their handicap for the duration of the Eclectic.

For men, generally there will be two divisions; the divisions will be determined at the discretion of the Match Committee based on handicap nominations. If insufficient nominations are received, the Match Committee may declare only one division will be contested.

Low Marker is team captain and responsible for the card.

All players hit off from the tee and the captain decides which ball is in the best position.

The selected ball is marked and may be lifted. The captain deems the order of play, and players in turn place their ball within a club length of the selected mark, no nearer the hole and play their shots. If the selected ball is in a hazard then all other balls are to be dropped into the hazard.

The ball deemed to be in the best position is again selected by the captain and play continues from this position as previously described.

On the putting surface all balls are to be placed within 15cm or 6 inches of the selected ball. Instead of marking a ball that is a tap-in putt, the ball is to be putted into the hole to save time while the other players continue to putt to achieve the lower score. Should the lower score not be achieved the tap-in putt stands.

Ambrose is scored as a stroke event and the card is to be signed by the team captain as marker and counter signed by another member of the team.

Handicap and variations are as follows:

2 Person Ambrose (3rd person, or swinger, not allowed)
1/4 of Aggregate handicap
Minimum 6 tee shots each, clearly marked on the card.

3 Person Ambrose (4th person, or swinger, not allowed, but group of 2 is OK)
1/6 of Aggregate handicap
Minimum 4 tee shots each, clearly marked on the card.

4 Person Ambrose (group of 2 or 3 is OK)
1/8 of Aggregate Handicap
Minimum 3 tee shots each, clearly marked on the card.

This is a variation of the basic Stroke event with two players playing as partners.

Partners play the course as they would for an individual Stroke event but, using the stroke index, they mentally determine how many strokes they receive on each hole, or how their handicap is spread over the eighteen holes of the course.

After completing each hole, both partners determine their nett scores and the lowest score is recorded. For example, say both partners received a handicap stroke on the first hole, and scored 7 and 6 respectively. This would give them nett scores of 6 and 5, so the player scoring a nett 5 would have his or her score recorded on the card.

If both players have equal nett scores on a hole, then the player who first holed out has his or her score recorded. Both gross and nett scores are totaled for each nine holes and then for the full round. A total gross and nett score should also be shown at the top of the card.

The team with the lowest score is the winner. Although clubs usually award trophies on the nett result, some clubs will take the gross or scratch result into account.

4BBB. Stroke differs from a normal Stroke event in those players can pick up their ball at any time and negate their score for that particular hole.

In the interests of speedier play, it is also customary practice for players to pick up their ball once it is obvious that they cannot beat their partner’s score.

This event can be played as a mixed, men’s or ladies competition.

The Stableford scoring system (see Individual Stableford) is used for this competition. However, in 4BBB Stableford two players play as partners although the hole is played by each of them, using their individual full handicaps.<br?

At the completion of each hole, the player recording the highest number of stableford points has his or her score entered on the card. If both partners score equally on the hole, the score of the player who first completed the hole will be recorded. There is no need to record both scores since only the best score is required, as the competition name implies.

The winner is determined by adding the scores for each nine holes totaling for eighteen holes. The team with the most points is the winner.

To speed up the game, it is customary practice for players to pick up their ball once it is impossible for them to exceed their partner’s score.

4BBB Stableford can be played as a mixed, men’s or ladies event. Ladies use their own tees and scorecard conditions.

Occasionally, clubs run Individual Stableford events in conjunction with a 4BBB. The club may require individual results to be recorded on the Four Ball card, or ask for separate cards for the Individual event.

When marking the scorecard, the number of strokes taken must always be shown for holes where points are scored. Thus, the card records both strokes and stableford points.

This competition evolves from the Individual Par event, which has already been outlined. (See Individual Par for a detailed explanation of this scoring system used for this type of competition).

As in 4BBB Stableford, two players play as partners and play the course almost as though it was an Individual Par event using their individual full handicaps.

At the completion of each hole, the player with the best score has it recorded on the card. It will be either a ‘+’(plus), ‘0’(half), or ‘-‘(minus). There is no need to record the scores of both players since only the best score is required.

The result for each nine holes is calculated and then combined to determine the result for the round. The team scoring the highest result is the winner.

For the sake of a speedier game, it is customary practice for players to pick up their ball once it is impossible for them to exceed their partner’s score.

Occasionally, a club runs an Individual Par event in conjunction with the Four Ball event. In this case, both players will complete each hole as though they were playing an Individual event and record Individual as well as Four Ball scores on the card. The club may require an Individual card for the individual event, but this is at the club’s discretion.

The scorecard must always indicate the strokes taken for each hole where par has been beaten or halved.

4BBB Par can be played as a mixed, men’s or ladies event. Ladies use their own tees and scorecard conditions.

This event is regularly played at club level, and generally the same conditions for Individual Handicap Match Play apply. The Hooker Trophy is an example of this. Once the top eight teams have been determined, the Hooker Trophy is played using the four ball match play system.

Handicaps are calculated by reducing the lowest player’s handicap to zero and then subtracting the original handicap from all other players. The lowest player plays off scratch and the other three players then play off their resulting handicaps.

Strokes are taken in accordance with the Match Play index on the scorecard. For example if Player A’s handicap is 10, Player B’s 22, Player C’s 15 and Player D’s 11; then Player A would be off scratch, B off 12, C off 5 and D would play off 1.

D would get a stroke at the number 1 hole on the Match Play index, C on holes 1 to 5 and B holes 1 to 12.

The match result is determined in the same way as for Individual Match Play. Players should refer to the Rules of Golf and in particular those relating to Match Play.

As the name implies, the Stableford scoring system is used in this event and the competition is played with a partner, as in a Four Ball Best Ball Stableford event.

Individual full handicaps are applied to each player and the number of points scored by each player is recorded at the end of every hole, as well as a total or aggregate score for the team.

Players’ scores are totaled at the end of nine holes and compared with the aggregate score. This should balance with the total of each player’s result.

Both sets of nine holes are added together to give total points for each player and an overall result. The team having the highest number of points is the winner.

When marking the scorecard, note that both strokes and stableford points should be shown.

Often a club will run an Individual Stableford event in conjunction with a Four Ball Aggregate Stableford event. In the case, the club may determine individual results from their Four Ball card or, alternatively, ask for separate cards for the Individual event.

Aggregate Stableford can be played as a mixed, men’s or ladies event. Ladies use their own tees and scorecard conditions.

Low marker is Team Captain and responsible for marking and processing the card.

Enter scores, with each player allocated a column, labeled, and with handicap and scores entered.

Total of best 3 stableford scores to be entered in right column

Cards to be signed by team captain as marker and counter signed by another member of the team.

Foursomes is basically a Stroke event played with a partner, and using only one ball.

The rules of Foursomes require the partners to hit off from alternate tees. Both players agree on the order of hitting before the game.

Player A may select the holes numbered 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17 which leaves Player B with the even holes. This decision is entirely theirs and often depends on how confident players feel about certain holes on the course. In Mixed Foursomes, however, the club usually determines the order of play.

Once a player has teed off, the partners play the ball alternately until the hole is competed. For example, if Player A plays from the tee, player B will hit the second shot, Player A the third and so on.

Note that if either player incurs a penalty stroke, it does not alter the rotation of play. This includes the playing of a provisional ball. For example, If Player A plays from the tee and hits the ball out of bounds, Player B plays the next shot from the tee.

Foursomes is a lot of fun with an understanding partner and it is played as a championship event in most clubs. It can be played as a mixed, men’s or ladies competition. Ladies play off their own tees when it is their turn to hit off.

Scoring is identical to the simple method used for Stroke Play and the card should show both gross and nett scores after handicap deduction. The team’s handicap is half the aggregate of both partner’s handicaps.

The team completing the course in the fewest strokes is the winner.

American Foursomes is played with a partner and both players tee off at each hole, and then play their second shot using their partner’s ball. At this point the players mutually decide which ball is in the best position and the other ball is taken out of play. Play then proceeds in accordance with Foursomes playing conditions. That is, if Player B hits the second shot with the selected ball, Player A hits the next shot. Alternate shots are played until the hole is completed. The order of play is unaffected by penalty shots.

The handicap of each team is calculated by taking 3/8ths of the aggregate of team members’ individual handicaps.

The scorecard is completed as for a Stroke event, showing both gross and nett scores. The team having the lowest score is the winner.

American Foursomes can be played as a mixed, men’s or ladies event and is sometimes called Pinehurst Foursomes.

Canadian Foursomes is played with a partner and both players tee off on all holes. The players then decide together which ball is in the best position and the other ball is taken out of play.

If Player A hits the selected ball from the tee, then Player B will hit the next shot or vice versa. Play continues on an alternate basis until the hole is completed and for each hole thereafter. Incurring a penalty shot does not affect the order of play.

The handicap of each team is calculated by taking 3/8ths of the aggregate of team members’ individual handicaps.

Since Canadian Foursome is a Stroke event, it is simply scored that way on the card showing a gross and nett score. The team with the lowest score is the winner.

Canadian Foursomes can be played as a mixed, men’s or ladies event and provides a fun variation of Foursomes play.

Teams consist of 4 players, but 3 players are allowed.

Low Marker is team captain and responsible for the card.

All team members hit off from the tee and the captain decides which ball is in the best position.

The selected ball is marked and may be lifted. The captain deems the order of play, and players in turn place their ball within a club length of the selected mark (or 6 inches/15 cm on the green), no nearer the hole and play their second shots. If the selected ball is in a hazard then all other balls are to be dropped into the hazard.

All players then continue to play out the hole individually.

The best 3 Stableford scores are recorded for each hole.

For a team of 4 players each player must use their tee shots 3 times, one of which must be a par 3. This must be clearly marked on the card.

For a team of 3 players each player must use their tee shots 4 times, one of which must be a par 3. This must be clearly marked on the card.

The Bendsomes card is to be signed by the team captain and counter signed by another member of the team.

This event is an interesting variation of the Individual par competition, where players allocate their full handicap to each hole however they want.

In Bisque Par competition it is not necessary to allocate your handicap before the event, as this is normally done on a hole-by-hole basis and depends on the state of the game at the time. However, it is necessary to mark on the card the number of handicap strokes allocated to the previous hole, after playing the hole and before Teeing Off at the next hole. It is not necessary to allocate a handicap stroke or strokes on every hole. The allocation of handicap strokes will obviously cease once the player’s full handicap has been used. The game is then played as an Individual Par competition, and scored in the same fashion.

For example, players taking seven strokes on a par 5 hole will have a ‘+’ (plus) if they took three handicap strokes; and a ‘0‘(half) if they take two handicap strokes.

The game relies to some extent on a player’s judgement and confidence, and provides an interesting variation to an Individual Par event.

The player with the highest result is the winner.